Anti-Dandruff shampoo

Product code: 030601
Series: Hair Help
Ml: 250
12.00 €
Price: 8.90 €
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30 days to refund
For whom?
  • Suitable for women and men of any age with signs of seborrhoea, dandruff, scaling or scalp irritation.
  • For all hair and scalp types, including sensitive.
  • Suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Anti-dandruff shampoo gently cleanses the scalp and hair, improving its condition. Reduces symptoms of dandruff and prevents its formation. Relieves discomfort caused by itchy scalp. Calendula extract contained in the formula provides a moisturising and soothing sensation. Meanwhile, natural betaine strengthens the hair, bringing back vitality. The shampoo is suitable for daily use.
  • Wet the hair, lather 5-10 ml of shampoo in the palms of your hands and massage into the scalp. Rinse out thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.
  • Suitable for daily use.
  • For maximum results, use together with other HAIR HELP products.
  • Learn more about HAIR HELP products.
  • Calendula oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes irritation and restores the oil balance of the scalp, reducing the appearance of dandruff. It prevents hair loss, improves hair growth, strengthens and regenerates curls.
  • Betaine - protects and moisturises hair, closes hair scales to improve hair structure, creates a 'silk effect' on hair, thickens but does not weigh hair down.

Няма ли го
Šīs šampūns ir īsts atradums. Jau pēc pāris mazgāšanas reizēm blaugznas pazuda kā nebijušas. Smarža maiga un patīkama.
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