Anti-Dandruff lotion

Product code: 030606
Series: Hair Help
Ml: 150
12.00 €
Price: 7.20 €
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30 days to refund
For whom?
  • Suitable for women and men of all ages.
  • For all hair and scalp types, including sensitive hair.
  • Can be used on natural and coloured hair.
- effectively eliminates dandruff and its causes, preventing its reappearance- relieves itching and scalp irritation- has anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.- suitable for all hair and scalp types- no rinsing necessary- non addictive
  • Apply to scalp after washing and using conditioner/hair mask. Massage. Do not rinse.
  • Use 2-3 times a week for a course of 4 - 6 weeks.
  • For maximum results, use in combination with other HAIR HELP products.
  • Learn more about HAIR HELP products.
  • Octenidine hydrochloride has antimicrobial action against a wide range of bacteria, fungi and several types of viruses, getting rid of the root cause of dandruff. Not addictive.
  • D-panthenol quickly relieves inflammation, irritation and itching, heals and accelerates skin regeneration. Perfectly moisturises the scalp without weighing down the hair.
  • Pyrocton olamine has high antibacterial and antifungal activity. Does not accumulate in the skin, completely safe.

Idealny produkt head nad shoulders niech się schowa!!! Rezultaty są naprawdę praktycznie od razu widoczne i nie trzeba go spłukiwać!!!!
Superinis. Ženkliai sumažėjo pleiskanos, nebe taip riebaluojasi galvos oda. Ir olaukų būklė pagerėjo.
Hosszú éveken át küzdöttem a korpásodással különböző problémák miatt. A tarkómnál annyira durva volt, hogy vastag réteg is képződött. Ennek a spray-nek köszönhetem azt, hogy 1 hónap alatt eltűnt az a vastag réteg és rendszeres használatával vissza sem tért.
Skvělá voda. Okamžitě uleví hlavě od svědění. Moc doporučuji. Lupy se také méně objevují