Air freshener Barbados cherry

Product code: 080128
Series: Bathroom
Ml: 250
6.60 €
Price: 4.30 €
In stock
30 days to refund
- neutralises unpleasant odours + aromatises spaces- has a pleasant long-lasting scent- handy spray trigger ensures economical use- can be sprayed onto fabrics, leaves no residues- chemical propellant gas free, safe for use
  • Spray the product using the trigger in an upward direction and the centre of the room
  • Please note: spray trigger should be pointed away from you and held vertically
  • For medium-sized rooms, spray 2-3 times, for larger rooms the dosage should be increased proportionally (on average 1 trigger press for every 5 square metres of room area).
  • We recommend to try the air freshener with a delicate floral fragrance
  • Flowers blossom 080129
  • Biodegradable components that are safe for the environment

Απίστευτο προϊόν ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tik smuki smaržo, neitralizē nepatīkamos aromātus acu mirklī. Man ļoti patīk šis gaisa atsvaidzinātājs. Visiem iesaku!
Me tiene enamorada este ambientador!!! Voy a seguir comprandolo.
Profumatore per ambiente veramente bello,ha un odore strepitoso...non pesante ma delicato...mai più senza
Ļoti labi smaržo! Iesaku!
Приятен и свеж аромат, използвам го навсякъде вкъщи, дори за колата.
Egyszerűen imádom az illatát.Néhany fújás a lakásban,és órákig belengi a finom illat az egész házat.Nagyon szeretjük.
Je l'utilise pour désodoriser les litières de mes chats. Cela ne dérange pas mes animaux et ne les fait pas fuir. Il laisse un parfum agréable je l'adore
Oh wie liebe ich dieses Raumspray, ich liebe es nach den aufräumen alles einzusprühen und meinem zuhause einen sehr frischen Duft zu schenken. Also dieser Duft landet überall egal ob Schlafzimmer, Kinderzimmer oder aber das Wohnzimmer und somit riecht alles frisch und lecker einladend