Warming body balm

Product code: 100300
Series: Creams&Balms
Ml: 75
8.00 €
Price: 5.20 €
In stock
30 days to refund
For whom?
  • For all skin types, except very sensitive and damaged skin.
  • Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Lightness in every movement- Improves blood circulation, relieves tissue swelling.- Reduces pain in joints, lower back or neck, relieves muscle spasm.- Relieves the feeling of "cold feet".- Pleasantly relaxing, relieves fatigue and tension.
  • Apply to clean and dry skin, massage until fully absorbed.
  • Can be used for warming massage: after application, massage with active kneading movements.
  • Do not use on damaged skin.
  • After using the balm wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid contact with eyes!
  • Important! The intensity of skin warming and redness depends on individual characteristics. In case of overdose and excessive reaction do not wash off with water! This will increase the warming effect. To reduce heating, apply vegetable oil (olive oil, sunflower oil, etc.) to the skin
  • Red burning pepper extract has an active warming effect, improves capillary blood flow, helps normalize muscle tone, accelerates skin regeneration and increases its elasticity.
  • Grape leaf extract intensively moisturizes, vitaminizes, regenerates the skin. It has a lymphatic drainage effect, helps to reduce swelling, relieves muscle spasm.
  • Black pepper essential oil has a powerful warming effect. Increases capillary blood circulation, has venotonizing and draining effect.
  • Methyl nicotinate warms the skin, increases microcirculation, reduces fluid retention in tissues, acts as a local anesthetic and muscle relaxant

Μετά την εφαρμογή της μέσα σέ 3 λεπτά ό πόνος στα πόδια μου εξαφανίστηκε
Un balsamo molto efficace sia per i dolori della cervicale che per la schiena. Dopo poco tempo dell'applicazione del balsamo e con un massaggio drenante, la tensione scompare e il dolore si attenua. Direi un ottimo prodotto !
Przy nagłych bólach poprostu jest świetny moment rozgrzewa i niweluje ból do zera👍💪
Il n'est pas un médicament mais il aide a soulager les douleurs ici je l'utilise pour les douleurs chronique au cervicale et au dos
Un balsamo molto efficace sia per i dolori della cervicale che per la schiena. è semplicemente ottimo per riscaldare e attenuare il dolore ma anche molto utile per scaldare i piedi freddi prima di andare a dormire!
Ik had last van mijn rug en lekker erop gesmeerd echt wow een warmte op mijn rug echt fijn het heeft mij er van af geholpen
In casa questo balsamo non manca mai ottimo per chi soffre di cervicale in un attimo senti quel calore non fastidioso che rilassa i nervi e ti fa' passare i dolori mai più Senza
Questo balsamo mi ha risposto in maniera rapida, problemi dovuti dalla Cervicale, forti capogiri. Basta spalmare una piccola quantità di prodotto per avere dei risultati sorprendenti. Mai più senza.!!!